General Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start and finish?​
School gates open to parents at 8:40am. A bell will ring at 8:40 am signalling to children to line up at their designated gate. Then, a teacher will come out to open the gate and welcome the children.
What does my child need to bring on their first day of school?
A labelled drinks bottle, filled with water.
A small labelled snack box containing fruit/veg/yoghurt/cheese crackers etc. We are a healthy school, so no crisps or chocolate bars for snack please. Chad Vale is also a NO NUTS school due to severe allergies.
A labelled book bag or small backpack. We send lots of letters and useful information home, so this just helps ensure it makes its way to you.
Your child does not need to bring in a pencil case, books etc. These will all be provided.
What does school uniform/PE kit look like and where can I purchase it?
This can be viewed on the Chad Vale website, under the Parents tab, where you can also find links to stockists. Please send PE kits in a small draw string bag, these will be kept at school and sent home every half term. Again, please ensure EVERYTHING is labelled.
Does my child need to bring in any outdoor/spare clothes?
School will provide outdoor clothes, however we do ask for wellies to be provided for outdoor learning, please ensure these are labelled with your child’s name. Please also ensure your child keeps spare underwear and a change of clothes in their bag, especially during the settling in period.
How much do school dinners cost?
School dinners for Reception and KS1 children are currently free of charge. A menu can be found on the school website.
Will my child receive homework?
We will issue homework once we feel the children have settled into school, this is usually after the first half term. It will consist of short activities focused on handwriting, phonics and maths. We also value real life experiences that can be developed outside of school e.g. taking part in a club, swimming/drama lessons, learning to ride a bike etc.
Where can I find out information on school life and my child’s learning?
At Chad Vale we try to keep parents as informed as possible using a range of different means. For example:
School Facebook and Twitter Page
Marvellous Me App
Weekly school newsletters
Email and text messages
Class Dojo
School comms
School website and individual class pages
Your child’s class teacher is always on hand to assist you with any queries
Who do I contact if I am concerned about my child’s development?
As always your child’s class teacher will be more than happy to discuss any concerns. However you may wish to contact our Special Education Needs and Disability coordinator, Miss Larcombe, on h.larcombe@chadvale.bham.sch.uk or our English as an additional language coordinator, Miss Sohal on r.sohal@chadvale.bham.sch.uk who can offer more specialist advice.
What before and after school club facilities are available?
Our Wrap Around Care Club offers high quality in-house before and after school club care for parents who require it on-site at Chad Vale.
The costs are as follows:
Breakfast/morning WACC: 7.30am-8.45am at a cost of £6 per session
After-school/afternoon WACC: 3.30pm-6pm at a cost of £12 per session
Booking forms can be picked up from school or you can contact them on 07876 715009 to book a place for your child. This will not need to be done till September.