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Key School Information


Our Vision


It is our vision to create a learning community that provides the highest quality of learning and teaching to enable our children to achieve and exceed their potential. We are extremely proud of our school, our well-behaved, confident, caring and creative children; our exciting curriculum that brings learning to life and the opportunities we provide to embed lasting memories and a lifelong love of learning.


Our Values and Ethos


We have worked hard to create a warm, caring and nurturing school environment which replicates the safety and security children have at home. This has become well known as 'The Chad Vale Way' and everybody involved with our school becomes part of 'The Chad Vale Family'. Within school, we have extremely high expectations for learning and behaviour and we focus on ensuring that children achieve the very best that they can.


Alongside the national curriculum we provide a rich and varied learning program which prepares children very well for life in secondary school and later life. We teach the children about life skills, equality and diversity and give many opportunities for lifetime memories including a range of off-site visits and longer residential experiences. We instil a set of core values; of kindness, understanding, tolerance and a motivation to learn that are remembered long after the children have left...


Admission Arrangements: Reception


We are a 2-form entry school (2 classes per year group). Our intake each September is 60 pupils and for new reception places, you will need to apply directly with the local authority. Please click here for more information.


Where there are more than 60 children applying for places in reception at Chad Vale, the local authority 'over-subscription criteria' are used which gives priority (in order) to:


1. Children currently (or previously) 'looked after' by the local authority (e.g. children in foster care or adopted).


2. Children with a statement of Special Needs or an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) where Chad Vale Primary School is the              named school.


3. Children who will have siblings already at Chad Vale when they start.


4. Distance from the school (measured in a straight line).


In previous years the 'cut-off' distances (where children are too far away to be offered a place) were:


2023: 2856m

2022: 1730m

2021: 1529m

2020: 1643m

2019: 1730m


More information for admissions is available here.


Admission Arrangements: In-Year


For 'In-Year' admissions, please contact us directly to enquire about the 'Application for a Change of School (In Year)' form and details of our waiting lists. The same oversubscription criteria (as above) will be applied to in-year admissions if the year group you are applying to is full. 


The In-Year Admission form is available to download from the bottom of this page. We also have paper copies available in school.


Links to further information

To discover more about our school, please click the links in the toolbar along the top of the site. You can view each subject's information in more detail. 


Ofsted Reports


School Performance Data site


Get Information About Schools page


School Evaluation Form and Development Plan 2023-24


Special Education Needs


Please see the documents in the attachments section below; Chad Vale Statutory SEN Information and SEN Information Report.

Behaviour and Achievements Policy, Charging and Remissions Policy, Complaints Policy

Please visit our School Policies page to download the most up to date version of these policies. 


Pupil Premium


We have a page dedicated to Pupil Premium, please click here.


Sports Premium Funding


Please visit our PE and Sports Premium page here


Governors Details

Please visit our Governors page by clicking here


Curriculum provision, content and approach, by academic term and by subject


Please visit the individual subject pages on this website, under the 'Curriculum' tab above. 


Phonics Scheme in KS1 and EYFS


We teach phonics using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. For more information about this programme, please click here.


Preparation for Life in Modern Britain


The Government’s ‘PREVENT’ strategy sets out how public bodies manage the risks of radicalisation and extremism.


“Schools can play an important role in helping young people to become more resilient to the messages of violent extremists, and in tackling the sorts of grievances extremists seek to exploit.”


At Chad Vale we create an environment where all young people learn:


1. To understand others (Behaviour Policy/Jigsaw/RE/assemblies)


2. To value and appreciate diversity (Behaviour Policy/Jigsaw/RE/assemblies)


3. To develop skills to debate and analyse (Jigsaw/RE/Literacy/Topic)


4. To learn about and explore the values shared by different faiths and cultures (Jigsaw/RE/school ethos)


5. The historical context and issues around citizenship, identity and current affairs (PSHE lessons/Jigsaw/History/Geography)


6. To explore controversial issues facilitated by teachers to broaden their horizons by fostering good links with different community groups and external organisations (PSS, HEU, Police, Childline, local places of worship)


If we have concerns that a pupil may be being exposed to extremist material or influences, we offer support through mentoring and by ensuring that the school is involved in the local partnership structures working on preventing violent extremism. Any concerns relating to matters of radicalisation or extremism are reported to the DSL for Child Protection and usual Child Protection protocols are followed.


The 'WRAP' Home Office PREVENT training takes place regularly. Paul Sansom (Head Teacher) is an accredited WRAP trainer and the Single Point of Contact (SPOC). 


Our school PREVENT Risk Assessment is available below from the School Policies page


Parent View (Ofsted)


We use the official 'Parent View' questions in our Annual Parent Questionnaire to gain the views of parents and carers each year. To give your views direct to Ofsted, please click here.


School Risk Assessment for PREVENT


SEND Information, reports and policy


Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Information (also ask the school to carry out a free check for you)


In Year Application Form for pupils moving school


In Year Applications Information for Parents


Admissions to Birmingham Schools Information


Latest school data



Key School Information
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